Monday, February 15, 2010

016 Characters and Sketches

Some random doodles and whatnot, just to put up and get back on track! :D  Have a good'un!

015 Random Sketches

Some real doodles during work, waiting for computers to catch up with me! Have a good'un!!!

014 Robots and the Dark Side

I think both of these will appear again, most definately the Emperor and Yoda.  Have a good'un!!!

013 Tushies and Real Sketches

Some very quick light sketching done on the bus home, sorry for the delay; I've just been busy!!  Have a good'un!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

010 - Dubya Oh Seven

012 Robots!!

Some Robot sketches, that I think i'll work up!! have a good'un!!!

011 Posca Markers

Playing around with Posca Markers, and lighting. The granny is a character from my graduate film, that I still can't get out of my head, maybe because I'm still discovering who she is. There was a rumour in college that the head of the Make Up course used to smoke during lectures, using one of the long black cigarette holder things just before the smoking ban in Ireland, I think this granny would do the same thing! have a good'un!!!

010 Pascal Campion Influence

These sketches done in the amazing Pascal Campion style, appear on a murel on a wall in my house! Have a good'un!!!

PS: Sorry for the delay!

009 - Lady

Thursday, February 4, 2010

009 Cartoony Girl

yes, it's an Alberto Ruiz piece. I want to learn to draw sexy yet cartoony - I always end up making it too realistic but not photo real enough and the drawing just looks weak! So I'm practising and I'm doing more life drawing over the weekend! Have a good'un!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

008 - Adrienne

008 Whale

Man, I've gotta get back into life drawing. My drawings are so laboured at the mo!! Blah!!! Have a good'un!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

007 - Bond

006 - Ghost Face

007 Flash Sketch

This will appear again as a finished piece!! Have a good'un!!!

006 Ciaran's Advice

I paint big, and always have leftover paint. I never allow myself to waste it so I usually just paint pages in sketchpads, random canvases etc. So I used the most recent leftover paint as the background for this image! i found it difficult to draw over the bumpy paint! Have a good'un!!!